Debian Patches

Status for basemap/1.2.2+dfsg-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
dont_install_data_files Don't install the datafile with distutils, we'll use dh and a
separate arch:all package
Sandro Tosi <> no 2015-10-08
use_share_datafiles Use the datafile in the python-mpltoolkits.basemap-data package,
if BASEMAPDATA is not set
Sandro Tosi <> no 2015-10-08
install_matplotlib_sphinxext add the matplotlib sphinxext directory into doc, needed to build documentation Sandro Tosi <> not-needed 2015-10-08 Move the imports in all .py files
Replace all `from mpl_toolkits.basemap` to `from basemap` this is
because mpl_toolkits is already installed (by matplotlib) and the system
import path has precedence over PYTHONPATH.

Also remove the example from doc/users/example.rst
file because it use internet.
Emmanuel Arias <> no debian 2024-03-12
reproducible_documentation.patch Make documentation reproducible Juan Picca <> no debian;bug=790235;filename=0001-make-images-reproducible.patch;msg=35 2017-01-08
PIL10.patch Adapt filter name to a value available in PIL10 Andreas Tille <> no 2024-03-13
matplotlib-3.6.patch Use np.percentile instead of removed plt.prctile_rank Andreas Tille <> no 2024-03-13
numpy-1.24.patch Use float instead of deprecated np.float Andreas Tille <> no 2024-03-13
python3.12.patch Replace deprecated clock() by perf_counter() to measure time needed Andreas Tille <> no 2024-03-13
xfail_some_tests.patch Its not clear why these tests are failing but this version is way better than anything else
thus marking the tests xfail for the moment
Andreas Tille <> no

All known versions for source package 'basemap'
