Debian Patches

Status for bbswitch/0.8-16

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
kbuild.patch modernize Kbuild integration Andreas Beckmann <> no
fix-building-against-4.12.patch [PATCH] fix building against 4.12 Karol Herbst <> no 2017-07-09
0001-Use-proc_ops-structure-for-kernel-version-5.6.0.patch [PATCH] Use proc_ops structure for kernel version >= 5.6.0
Since 5.6.0, proc_create requires a proc_ops* argument
instead of file_operations*.
Commit with the migrationin the kernel source can be found at
Mateusz Mandera <> no 2020-03-31
linux-5.18.patch diff -u -r bbswitch-0.8/bbswitch.c bbswitch-0.8-5.18/bbswitch.c no vendor,
0002-check-for-power-state-only-if-acpi-is-enabled.patch In bbswitch_off() we use acpi_bus_get_device() to determine the power state, but this feature is only available if ACPI is enabled in the kernel, so
make sure to do this check only when ACPI is available to prevent build
Andrea Righi <> yes upstream

All known versions for source package 'bbswitch'
