Debian Patches
Status for bcache-tools/1.0.8-5
Patch | Description | Author | Forwarded | Bugs | Origin | Last update |
0001-Clean-should-remove-bcache-register.patch | Clean should remove bcache-register |
David Mohr <> | yes | 2018-03-27 | ||
0002-Don-t-inline-crc64-for-gcc-5-compatibility.patch | Don't inline crc64 for gcc-5 compatibility By James Cowgill, see Debian bug #777798 |
David Mohr <> | yes | 2018-03-27 | ||
0003-Add-bcache-export-cached-helper.patch | Add bcache-export-cached helper to export CACHED_UUID and CACHED_LABEL always Linux kernel bcache driver does not always emit a uevent[1] for when a backing device is bound to a bcacheN device. When this happens, the udev rule for creating /dev/bcache/by-uuid or /dev/bcache/by-label symlinks does not fire and removes any persistent symlink to a specific backing device since the bcache minor numbers (bcache0, 1, 2) are not guaranteed across reboots. This script reads the superblock of the bcache device slaves, ensuring the slave is a backing device via sb.version check, extracts the dev.uuid and dev.label values and exports them to udev for triggering the symlink rules in the existing rules file. 1. |
Ryan Harper <> | yes | upstream | 2020-07-22 | |
0004-Make-pkg-config-command-substitutable.patch | [PATCH] Make pkg-config command substitutable bcache-tools fails to cross build from source, because the upstream hard codes the build architecture pkg-config and thus fails finding host architecture .pc files. After making pkg-config substitutable, bcache-tools cross builds successfully. |
Robie Basak <> | no | 2018-08-08 |