Debian Patches

Status for bcron/0.11-23

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-remove-.html-from-TARGET-to-keep-them-on-make-clean.diff [PATCH] remove *.html from TARGET to keep them on make clean. Gerrit Pape <> no 2007-05-08
0002-Have-bcron-update-ignore-files-that-are-outside-Debia.diff [PATCH] Have bcron-update ignore files that are outside Debian namespace.

On Debian, if path is a directory, bcron-spool skips files in this
directory with names that do not solely consist of lower- and uppercase
letters ('a'-'z', 'A'-'Z'), digits ('0'-'9'), underscores ('_'), and
hyphens ('-').
Gerrit Pape <> no 2007-05-08 [PATCH] skip non-root-only spool-*-baduser tests. Gerrit Pape <> no 2007-05-08 [PATCH] skip tests/exec-fds, tests/exec-simple if $HOME does not exist

This fixes FTBFS on Debian autobuilders, which run the package build
process as user with non-existng home directory /sbuild-nonexistent.

Gerrit Pape <> no 2014-08-11
0005-fix-texinfo-documentation.diff Fix sectioning in texinfo manual

Add code to specify position of manual in global directory.
(The one you see, when you invoke `info' without arguments)
Dmitry Bogatov <> no 2016-08-14
0006-disable-unreliable-tests.patch Disable unreliable tests

spool-list-perms and sched-dump tests usually pass, but sometimes
they mystically fail in same environment. It can mean some kind of
undefined behaviour in bcron itself, but it seems to work quite well
to me.

exec-fds test is definitely buggy, since its fail or pass depends on
environment, in particualar on shell, invoking ''.
Dmitry Bogaotv <> not-needed 2016-01-16
0007-patch-hardcoded-upstream-username.patch Do not hardcode ${USER} value in

Upstream tests assumes that ${USER} = bruce. This patch fixes it.
Dmitry Bogatov <> invalid 2017-02-12
0008-disable-crontab-tests.patch Disable crontab new tests, they require a lot of stuff, runit, sockets,

and a lot of other tools
Dmitry Bogatov <> no 2017-12-13
0009-Patch-upstream-build-system-to-work-with-python3.patch Patch upstream build system to work with python3 Dmitry Bogatov <> no 2019-08-30

All known versions for source package 'bcron'
