Debian Patches

Status for bison/2:3.7.5+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_keep_stamp_files Keep build stamp files
Do not delete stamp files outside the Make rules that generates those
same stamp files. Force deletion of stamp files interferes with our
ability to prevent example extraction from non-DFSG documentation source
(moved into the bison-doc source package) and also breaks parallel
Chuan-kai Lin <> not-needed debian 2019-06-16
02_parse_h_dependency Hack explicit dependencies on parse.h
The target lexcalc-scan.o needs parse.h to build. Without explicit
dependencies, make might attempt to build that target before a different
rule finishes generating parse.h, leading to FTBFS. But the
generated by automake generates parse.h through a .y.c suffix rule
(without indicating that invoking bison also generates a .h output), so
explicit dependencies on parse.h also do not work.

This patch implements a hack that makes lexcalc-scan.o depend on
parse.c. Since parse.c is generated by the same rule as parse.h, these
bogus dependencies ensure that make attempts to build the .o file only
after parse.h becomes available.
Chuan-kai Lin <> no 2020-05-10

All known versions for source package 'bison'
