Debian Patches

Status for blt/2.5.3+dfsg-8

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
autoreconf.patch fix autotools input for compatibility with recent autoconf It is not possible to regenerate the blt configure script using current
versions of autoconf. Update for recent syntax so that we can get a modern
(and cross-build-friendly) configure script at build.

diff -ruN a/aclocal.m4 b/aclocal.m4
Helmut Grohne <> no debian
gcc-15.patch Patch fixes FTBFS with GCC 15 Sergei Golovan no 2025-03-05
03-fedora-patch-2.patch * Apply 3 changes based on revisions developed by the fedora linux team.
--> + 03-fedora-patch-2.diff
+ 04-fedora-tk8.5.6.patch.diff
+ 05-tk8.5-zoomstack.diff
* Those patches are required to solve segmentation faults that are observed
when blt is used with tcltk 8.5. We have a substantial amount of
experience using this patched version of blt in the Swarm
Simulation System ( and have observed no ill-effects.
Paul E. Johnson (Debian Packaging) <> no
04-fedora-tk8.5.6.patch * Apply 3 changes based on revisions developed by the fedora linux team.
+ 03-fedora-patch-2.diff
--> + 04-fedora-tk8.5.6.patch.diff
+ 05-tk8.5-zoomstack.diff
* Those patches are required to solve segmentation faults that are observed
when blt is used with tcltk 8.5. We have a substantial amount of
experience using this patched version of blt in the Swarm
Simulation System ( and have observed no ill-effects.
Paul E. Johnson (Debian Packaging) <> no
pkgindex.patch Patch fixes loading the libBLT library from [package require BLT]. Specifically, it provides correct version
BLT_PATCH_LEVEL and prevents loading the library twice (once
by its real name and onr more time by a symlink if the blt-dev
package is installed). Also, it skips initializing widget bindings
if Tk isn't present.

Steve Langasek <> no
decls.patch Patch fixes BLT stubs declarations. FreeBSD BLT port maintainers, modified by Sergei Golovan no
bltnsutil.patch Patch fixes call to Blt_ParseQualifiedName(). FreeBSD BLT maintainers no
blthash.patch Patch silences GCC warnings for overflow on implicit constant conversions. FreeBSD BLT maintainers no
const.patch incompatible pointer types (mostly adds or removes const modifier). Sergei Golovan no
05-tk8.5-zoomstack.patch * Apply 3 changes based on revisions developed by the fedora linux team.
+ 03-fedora-patch-2.diff
+ 04-fedora-tk8.5.6.patch.diff
--> + 05-tk8.5-zoomstack.diff
* Those patches are required to solve segmentation faults that are observed
when blt is used with tcltk 8.5. We have a substantial amount of
experience using this patched version of blt in the Swarm
Simulation System ( and have observed no ill-effects.
Paul E. Johnson (Debian Packaging) <> no
doc-typos.patch Documentation fixes Corrections in spelling in the blt documentation. Paul E. Johnson (Debian Packaging) <> no
tcl8.6.patch Patch replaces the direct usage of deprecated interp->result by Tcl_SetResult() and Tcl_GetStringResult() calls making it possible
to build using Tcl/Tk 8.6.
tk8.6.patch Patch replaces call to TkCopyAndGlobalEval by a call to Tcl_EvalObjEx because the former function has been dropped in Tk 8.6. no
install.patch Patch fixes installing directories and copying files under INSTALL_ROOT. Also, it adds bltOldConfig.h to the installable headers
list and fixes it to include tk.h.
Steve Langasek <> no
usetclint.patch Patch adds missing headers which helps building BLT on 64-bit architectures. Matthias Klose no
usetkint.patch Patch removes internal definitions of the main Tk structures. Since they have been changed since Tcl/Tk 8.4 it's much better to
include tkInt.h and other few headers. They are internal Tk headers,
so the BLT library built with Tcl/Tk 8.6 won't work with Tcl/Tk 8.5.
FreeBSD BLT port maintainers no
table.patch Patch restores blt::table command which was renamed to blt::blttable in 2.5.3.
TODO: Make the blttable alias if necessary.
Sergei Golovan no
uninitialized.patch Patch initializes all variables for which GCC gave warnings about unitialized or maybe unitialized variables. Sergei Golovan no
unused.patch Patch deletes or comments out all unused variables. Sergei Golovan no
ldflags.patch Patch adds support for externally set LDFLAGS. It lets passing hardening flags from debian/rules. Also, the rpath
definition is removed.
Sergei Golovan no
pointertoint.patch Patch adds explicit casts to intptr_t or uintptr_t types to prevent casting to/from pointer from/to integers of different size. Sergei Golovan no
02-debian-all.patch Remaining unsplit changes from previous packager Includes the rest of the changes that were applied to the source code by
previous packager.
Paul E. Johnson (Debian Packaging) <> no

All known versions for source package 'blt'
