Debian Patches

Status for breeze/4:5.20.5-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix-wallpaper-loss-on-breeze-change no
upstream-d201a1f1-fix-splitterproxy-not-clearing.patch [PATCH] Fix SplitterProxy not clearing when above another QSplitterHandle

When two SplitterHandles are next to each other, like at the intersection of a
horizontal and vertical splitter (|-), then it's possible that hiding the proxy
of one of those handles causes the other handle to gain focus immediately,
which activates the SplitterProxy again. Before this patch, it would then
continue clearing after reenabling itself, leading to an inconsistent state.
Fabian Vogt <> no upstream 2021-04-09
upstream-f99b7ef6-fix-for-splitterproxy [PATCH] Fix informing the underlying widget when leaving SplitterProxy

While the SplitterProxy is active, it intercepts all relevant events, so that
the underlying widget still thinks it's in the same "on splitter" state. When
the SplitterProxy is left, the underlying widget is sent a HoverLeave/HoverMove
event to make it aware of the new current cursor position. Without this, it
doesn't know that it's not supposed to be in the "on splitter" state, and when
it regains focus it just re-activates the SplitterProxy at the current cursor

This was broken by accident in d201a1f187 ("Fix SplitterProxy not clearing
when above another QSplitterHandle"), which moved the hide() call past the
call to QCoreApplication::sendEvent. Previously that made isVisible() false,
which also prevented the interception of the HoverLeave/HoverMove events.
Fabian Vogt <> no upstream 2021-05-15

All known versions for source package 'breeze'
