Debian Patches

Status for brian/2.4.2-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
ignore_failing_test.patch Skip failing tests. Andreas Tille <> no 2020-12-14
privacy.patch Prevent privacy breach in docs Andreas Tille <> no 2019-10-02
gsl-compiler-arg.patch use generic compiler flags for GSL tests The Python module "brian" is capable of compiling code in some of its
subsystems. For performance purpose, the project defaults to aggressive
compilation options. This works relatively well on amd64. However, compiler
options are not consistent on all platforms. Architectures based on IBM POWER
use -mcpu=native and -mtune=native insteas of -march, and other architecture
such as PA-RISC, RISC-V or Motorola 68000 have no "native" support of any sort.
This patch adapts the compiler options depending on the machine reported by
Étienne Mollier <> yes 2021-02-20

All known versions for source package 'brian'
