Debian Patches

Status for celery/5.2.6-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-lsb-init.patch LSB compliant headers, status actions and ENABLED variable
Upstream ships it's own init scripts but they lack some LSB header and
the (optional) "status" action. This patch fixes this and also adds a
variable called ENABLED in /etc/default/celeryd.
Michael Fladischer <> no 2013-09-03
0002-privacy.patch Remove external assets from documentation.
Upstream includes a PayPal donation form in it's sphinx templates for which the
submit button used an external image and which was replaced by a simple
<button/> element. Also a gittip button is loaded inside an <iframe/> which is
removed. The logo image was loaded from the project website and is replaced
with the local image file.
Michael Fladischer <> not-needed 2014-02-11
0003-Set-shell-in-su-invocation.patch Set shell in su invocation
See Bug#824786: celeryd: Initscript doesn't start daemon,
Brian May <> no 2016-05-25
0004-Disable-intershpinx-mapping-for-now.patch Disable intershpinx mapping for now.
The best way to fix network requests when building the documentation would be to
patch INTERSPHINX_MAPPING in sphinx_celery.conf in src:sphinx-celery.
Michael Fladischer <> no 2017-07-31
0005-Fix-passing-options-to-pytest.patch Fix passing options to pytest. Andrey Rahmatullin <> no 2019-08-07
0006-Don-t-require-pre-commit-it-isn-t-in-Debian.patch Don't require pre-commit - it isn't in Debian Stefano Rivera <> no 2020-02-01
0007-Moto-isn-t-packaged-for-Debian.patch Moto isn't packaged for Debian Stefano Rivera <> no 2020-02-01
0008-disable-test-for-python3.8.patch disable test for python3.8 =?utf-8?q?H=C3=A5vard_Flaget_Aasen?= <> no 2020-03-25
0009-allow-any-version-of-pytest-timeout.patch Allow any version of pytest-timeout Thomas Goirand <> no 2020-10-16
0010-remove-pytest-celery-from-test-depends.patch Remove pytest-celery from test depends Thomas Goirand <> no 2020-10-16
0011-allow-any-pytest-version.patch Allow any pytest version Thomas Goirand <> no 2020-10-16
0012-Avoid-importing-buf_t-from-billiard-s-compat-module-.patch Avoid importing buf_t from billiard's compat module as it was removed.

buf_t was a compatibility layer for 2.7, it's no longer needed so it was removed from billiard.
We should adjust the code in Celery as well.
Omer Katz <> no 2022-04-09
629bc63cb516031fdbe360b69de9b60fbe3a2034.patch [PATCH] Fixed error handling bugs due to upgrade to a newer version of billiard (#7781)

* Bump Billiard to 4.0.2

* Defaults are already installed so pip reports a conflict

* Fixed error handling bugs due to upgrade to a newer version of billiard
Tomer Nosrati <> no 2022-10-06
python3.11-inspect.patch use inspect.signature to make extension Python 3.11 compatible Mathias Ertl <> yes debian upstream

All known versions for source package 'celery'
