Debian Patches

Status for cfengine3/3.24.1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0002-clean_xml_output.patch clean_xml_output
Antonio Radici <> no 2016-08-14
0004-remove_rpath.patch remove_rpath
Antonio Radici <> no 2016-08-14
0006-skip_failing_tests.patch Skip tests that fail for various reasons.

Fails in chroot:
+ acceptance/01_vars/02_functions/network/
+ acceptance/10_files/templating/timed/
+ unit/buffer_test
+ unit/enterprise_extension_test
+ unit/mon_processes_test
+ load/run_last_seen_threaded_load

Fails on sparc:
+ unit/mon_cpu_test

Fails on arm64 and s390x:
+ unit/string_lib_test (in particuilar: test_string_to_long_errors)

Fails during reproducibility testing on amd64:
+ unit/rlist_test
0010_disable_date_annotation.patch Remove the date modified otherwise we fail the Debian reproducibility test.

The reason for the failure is that those builds might run at a different date
from the upload, or the date on the system running it might be different from
the upload date, therefore we will generate different binaries and fail the
reproducibility test.
0011-fix_interpreters.patch Update interpreter paths and file names Hugh McMaster <> invalid 2022-09-09
0013-rename_package_to_cfengine3.patch Set ${PACKAGE} to 'cfengine3' no
libxml2.patch Use pkg-config to find libxml2 and also allow cross-compiling Hugh McMaster <> yes debian 2022-09-09
cf3_path_root_prog.patch Remove /sbin from the CF3_PATH_ROOT_PROG macro PATH override This ensures system tools can be invoked on usr-merged and non-usr-merged systems. Hugh McMaster <> not-needed debian 2022-09-09
time-t-long-long.patch =================================================================== no

All known versions for source package 'cfengine3'
