Debian Patches

Status for chkboot/1.3-8.2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-debian-makefile.patch Debianize Makefile
* Add FHS support
Baptiste BEAUPLAT <> yes 2018-10-30
0005-rename-config-file-to-fit-policy.patch rename config file to fit policy Baptiste BEAUPLAT <> yes 2018-11-06
0003-make-profilealert-works-with-non-bash-shells.patch make profilealert works with non-bash shells Baptiste BEAUPLAT <> yes 2019-09-08
0004-Install-chkboot-bootcheck-to-usr-libexec.patch Install chkboot-bootcheck to /usr/libexec Baptiste BEAUPLAT <> yes 2020-05-14

All known versions for source package 'chkboot'
