Debian Patches

Status for cinder/2:17.4.0-1~deb11u2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
install-missing-files.patch Install missing files Thomas Goirand <> not-needed 2016-03-22
add-a-healthcheck-url.patch [PATCH] Add a /healthcheck URL
By default, cinder-api isn't providing a /healthcheck URL, which is
super useful for setting-up monitoring and HAProxy. This patch adds
it by default.
Thomas Goirand <> no 2020-04-30
cve-2022-47951-cinder-stable-victoria.patch [PATCH] Check VMDK subformat against an allowed list Also add a more general check to convert_image that the image format
reported by qemu-img matches what the caller says it is.

Brian Rosmaita <> yes upstream upstream, 2022-01-18
add-params-thin_provisioning-equal-one.patch Add "params thin_provisioning=1" in tgt export Add 'params thin_provisioning=1' in iscsi volume export
to allow fstrim to work with the lvm backend.
Thomas Goirand <> yes 2023-12-04
CVE-2024-32498_0_1_Use_the_json_format_output_of_qemu-img_info.patch Use the json format output of qemu-img info Support for the human format by oslo_utils.imageutils.QemuImgInfo was
deprecated since oslo.utils 4.9.1 [1]. This change replaces the human
format with the json format which will be used by default.
[1] 73eb0673f627aad382e08a816191b637af436465
Backport note: The json format is preferable because it allows access
to format specific details (since oslo.utils 4.1.0). These details
are not present when the default 'human' format is used. See change
I133da07a5a9628b8a9 for details.

Takashi Kajinami <> yes debian upstream upstream, 2024-06-26
CVE-2024-32498_1_Check_for_external_qcow2_data_file.patch [PATCH] CVE-2024-32498: Check for external qcow2 data file Adds code to image_utils to check for a qcow2 external data
file, a recent feature of qemu which we do not support and
which can be used maliciously.
Advice from the qemu-img community is that it is dangerous
to call qemu-img info on untrusted files, so we copy over
the format_inspector module from Glance. This performs basic
analysis on the image data file so we can detect problematic
images before we call qemu-img info to get all the image
attributes. It is expected that this code will eventually be
added to oslo so it can be consumed by Glance, Cinder, and
Because cinder itself may create qcow2 format images with a
backing file in nfs-based backends, the glance format_inspector
has been modified to optionally allow such files. Since we are
monkeying with the format_inspector code, we also copy over
its unit tests to prevent regressions and to add tests for the
changed code.
Includes an additional fix to prevent an issue where a user
could mount a raw volume and write a qcow2 header with a larger
virtual size on it. On reattaching the volume it would have the
new larger virtual size avaialable without actually changing
the size value in cinder. While we cannot prevent this we can
prevent the user from using this volume again, which makes this
exploit pointless.

Brian Rosmaita <> yes debian upstream 2024-06-26

All known versions for source package 'cinder'
