Debian Patches

Status for codfis/0.4.7-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
00-fix_build.patch fix DB initialization at build-time David Paleino <> no
01-fix_paths.patch use system-wide path David Paleino <> not-needed
02-use-cxx-in-makefile.patch Use CXX for expanding C++ compiler
CPP should be used for referring to the preprocessor, not the C++
compiler, which has its own default variable: CXX. Follow the naming
convention and use conditional assignment, so that other build systems
can properly override this setting.
"Henrique F. Simoes" <> no 2024-07-13
03-conditional-cxxflags-assignment.patch Define CXXFLAGS only if not already provided
It is common to have CXXFLAGS defined through environment variables, and
not given explicitly to make(1) through arguments. In such situations,
assigning to the variable in the Makefile will overwrite any previously
defined value. To avoid this, use conditional assignment operator (?=),
which assigns the variable only if it is currently undefined.

List appending (+=) is not used here, so that we avoid flags appended
last overwriting the ones defined by external callers.
"Henrique F. Simoes" <> no 2024-09-08
04-forward-ld-cpp-flags.patch Forward linker and preprocessor flags
To specify some important flags to the linker (e.g. `-z relro`) and
preprocessor (e.g. `-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2`), which improves security, the
build system must forward them to compiler driver. Make this happen
through the standard LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS variables, respectively.
"Henrique F. Simoes" <> no 2024-07-15

All known versions for source package 'codfis'
