Debian Patches

Status for cppimport/22.08.02-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
python-binary Avoid hardcoding "python" binary name
On modern Debian systems, there isn't a "python" binary, unless a user
is in a virtualenv or has installed python-is-python3.
Stefano Rivera <> yes 2022-09-29
setuptools-60 Import distutils after setuptools
distutils is being removed from Python in 3.12. To prepare for this,
setuptools now bundles its own copy of distutils, which it
patches into sys.path, by default, since setuptools 60.

To avoid importing two different distutils, import setuptools before
Stefano Rivera <> yes debian 2022-09-29

All known versions for source package 'cppimport'
