Debian Patches

Status for cssutils/2.11.1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0002-Create-our-py2-and-py3-executables-to-use-with-updat.patch Create our py2 and py3 executables to use with update-alternatives
This way we can have py2 and py3 packages installed at the same time.
Charlie Smotherman <> no 2015-10-08
inline-jaraco.test.patch Inline uses of jaraco.test
`jaraco.test` isn't currently in Debian, but since we only care about
relatively recent versions of Python, inlining it is trivial.
Colin Watson <> not-needed 2025-02-16
setuptools-include.patch Specify packages using include rather than exclude
This avoids possible duplication if a wheel is built more than once from
the same directory.
Colin Watson <> no 2025-02-16

All known versions for source package 'cssutils'
