Debian Patches

Status for dcmtk/3.6.9-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_dcmtk_3.6.0-1.patch The original maintainer Jürgen Salk applied a set of patches to the original code. This file contains
changes to C++ code
Jürgen Salk <> not-needed
07_dont_export_all_executables.patch Don't add executables to cmake exports CMake exports are used by other packages that compile
and link against dcmtk. Because Debian moves some of
these executables and also dosn't install the test
executables, this import may fail leading to failure
to configure the according package.
Gert Wollny <> not-needed debian
remove_version.patch Remove version

Mathieu Malaterre <> not-needed 2023-11-06
0007-CVE-2024-47796.patch Fixed issue rendering invalid monochrome image. Fixed issue when rendering an invalid monochrome DICOM image where the
number of pixels stored does not match the expected number of pixels.
If the stored number is less than the expected number, the rest of the
pixel matrix for the intermediate representation was always filled with
the value 0. Under certain, very rare conditions, this could result in
memory problems reported by an Address Sanitizer (ASAN). Now, the rest
of the matrix is filled with the smallest possible value for the image.
Thanks to Emmanuel Tacheau from the Cisco Talos team
<> for the original report, the sample
file (PoC) and further details. See TALOS-2024-2122 and CVE-2024-47796.
Joerg Riesmeier <> yes debian 2025-01-18
0008-CVE-2024-52333.patch Added check to make sure: HighBit < BitsAllocated. Added check to the image preprocessing to make sure that the value of
HighBit is always less than the value of BitsAllocated. Before, this
missing check could lead to memory corruption if an invalid combination
of values was retrieved from a malformed DICOM dataset.
Thanks to Emmanuel Tacheau from the Cisco Talos team
<> for the report, sample file (PoC)
and detailed analysis. See TALOS-2024-2121 and CVE-2024-52333.
Joerg Riesmeier <> yes debian 2025-01-18
0009-CVE-2025-25475.patch commit bffa3e9116abb7038b432443f16b1bd390e80245

Fixed issue with invalid RLE compressed DICOM images.

Fixed issue when processing an RLE compressed image where the RLE header
contains an invalid stripe size.

Thanks to Ding zhengzheng <> for the report
and the sample file (PoC).
Marco Eichelberg <> no 2025-01-23
0010-CVE-2025-25474.patch commit 1d205bcd307164c99e0d4bbf412110372658d847

Fixed another issue with invalid DICOM images.

Fixed issue when processing an invalid DICOM image where the number of
pixels stored does not match the expected number of pixels (too less)
and the combination of BitsAllocated and BitsStored is really unusual
(e.g. 1 bit stored, but 52 bits allocated). In cases where the last
pixel (e.g. a single bit) does not fit into the buffer of the input
pixel data, a buffer overflow occurred on the heap. Now, the last entry
of the buffer is filled with the smallest possible value (e.g. 0 in case
of unsigned data).

Thanks to Ding zhengzheng <> for the report
and the sample file (PoC).
Joerg Riesmeier <> no 2025-01-21
0011-CVE-2025-25472.patch commit 410ffe2019b9db6a8f4036daac742a6f5e4d36c2

Fixed another issue with invalid mono images.

Fixed issue when rendering an invalid monochrome DICOM image where the
number of pixels stored does not match the expected number of pixels.
In this case, only a single pixel is processed, but the pixel matrix is
much larger. Filling the rest of the pixel matrix with the smallest
possible value for the image is not working because of an optimized
memory usage (value would be out of range). Now, the pixel value to be
used is double-checked before it is actually filled into the "background"
of the image.

Thanks to Ding zhengzheng <> for the report
and the sample file (PoC).

diff --git a/dcmimgle/include/dcmtk/dcmimgle/dimoipxt.h b/dcmimgle/include/dcmtk/dcmimgle/dimoipxt.h
index 50389a540..f67967310 100644
Joerg Riesmeier <> no 2025-01-17

All known versions for source package 'dcmtk'
