Debian Patches

Status for digikam/4:8.6.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Disable-probe-for-Jasper-library.patch Disable probe for Jasper library

Jasper has been removed from debian:
What follows is the original patch description.

Jasper is due to be removed from Debian so it would be a bug to link with it -- c.f. #818219.
However, the upstream build process always probes for Jasper and at present the list of
build-dependencies also pulls in Jasper dev libraries. So we need to disable the probe.
Steve Robbins <> not-needed 2023-06-30
0002-Link-digikamcore-lib-and-tests-that-use-libdng-with-.patch Link digikamcore lib and tests that use libdng with -latomic.

The need for this linking appears to be debian-specific.
Steve Robbins <> not-needed 2023-06-30

All known versions for source package 'digikam'
