Debian Patches

Status for dino-im/0.4.5-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
rename-to-dino-im.patch Rename to, to prevent conflict with older package Martin <> no vendor 2023-11-09
fix_library_path.patch Put libraries under /usr/lib/*/dino-im, just like plugins W. Martin Borgert <> no vendor 2018-05-01
fix_customvapi_path.patch prevent duplication of CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR When using sbuild, the build fails because the path for the VAPIs
The "else" operation in cmake is special(tm) and runs when the
condition is /not/ matches, because it doesn't like you.
Because sbuild seems to end up doing weird things to CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR,
or something like that, we've dropped the test, and made it so that we
don't rely on the automatic prepending of CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR
anywhere. Fortunately, that's just one place. I hate CMake.
Taowa <> no 2021-05-15

All known versions for source package 'dino-im'
