Debian Patches

Status for distcc/3.4+really3.4-11

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
02_distccmongnome_man.patch no
03_preferred-user.patch Preferred user is distccd Starting the daemon as root causes it to change user, which
should be to "distccd" in Debian.
Daniel Hartwig <> not-needed
04_rename-pump.patch Rename "pump" command to "distcc-pump" Distcc pump mode is started by a command that upstream calls "pump",
which is already in use by another Debian package.
We rename that command to "distcc-pump" and change any references to
it in the rest of the package. This patch updates the references,
the script and it's man page are renamed in debian/rules.
Daniel Hartwig <> not-needed debian
05_ipv6-zeroconf.patch IPv6 patch for Zeroconf and IPv6 literals in hosts file yes debian upstream upstream,
06_Py_ssize_t.patch [PATCH] Replace int with Py_ssize_t for distcc pump extension
Defining PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN is required since python 3.10, and I have to
modify the type of length to match it. Otherwise functions like
OsPathExists will always return False.

The PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN macro is supported at least back to python 3.5
according to, that is why I included it without any
python version conditions
hephooey <> no 2023-01-15

All known versions for source package 'distcc'
