Debian Patches

Status for django-graphiql-debug-toolbar/0.2.0-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
tests-Ignore-error-about-using-DDT.patch tests: Ignore error about using DDT
We need now to explicetly tell the test setup that we want to use the
Django Debug Toolbar. It's the sense of the testings. Otherwise the
following error will thrown.

?: (debug_toolbar.E001) The Django Debug Toolbar can't be used with tests
HINT: Django changes the DEBUG setting to False when running tests. By default the Django Debug Toolbar is installed because DEBUG is set to True. For most cases, you need to avoid installing the toolbar when running tests. If you feel this check is in error, you can set `DEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG['IS_RUNNING_TESTS'] = False` to bypass this check.
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2024-05-31 import _HTML_TYPES from debug_toolbar.toolbar Carsten Schoenert <> yes 2024-09-09

All known versions for source package 'django-graphiql-debug-toolbar'
