Debian Patches

Status for dnswalk/2.0.2.dfsg.1-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix-shebang.patch Use /usr/bin/perl in shebangs not-needed vendor 2015-07-28
fix-defined-array-is-deprecated.patch Fix deprecated use of defined(@array)
This fixes the following Perl messages:
defined(@array) is deprecated at /usr/bin/dnswalk line 59.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
defined(@array) is deprecated at /usr/bin/dnswalk line 61.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
defined(@array) is deprecated at /usr/bin/dnswalk line 87.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
defined(@array) is deprecated at /usr/bin/dnswalk line 107.
(Maybe you should just omit the defined()?)
Ruud van Melick <> yes debian upstream other, 2015-07-28
fix-warnings-about-soa-contact-name.patch Fix warnings about soa contact name
When the SOA contact name is set to '' then $rr-rname in
the current version of Net::DNS::RR::SOA returns ''
instead of '' which causes a warning 'WARN: SOA contact
name ( is invalid', even though it was set correctly.
Ruud van Melick <> yes upstream other, 2015-07-28
fix-spelling-error-manpage.patch Fixed a spelling error on manpage=================================================================== Pedro Loami Barbosa dos Santos <> no 2018-08-22

All known versions for source package 'dnswalk'
