Debian Patches

Status for docbook-simple/1.1-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_use_the_entities_from_sgml_data.patch * docbook-simple-1.*/sdbcent.mod: Reference the SYSTEM-IDs of the
entities, if installed with the sgml-data package. This should only
be done as long as is not solved. Then
we should use the online SYSTEM IDs.


for i in `find . -type f` ; do \
sed -e 's/^\"..\/..\/xmlcharent\/iso-/\"\/usr\/share\/xml\/entities\/xml-iso-entities-8879\.1986\/ISO/g' \
< $i > $ ; \
mv $ $i ; \

diff -urNad docbook-simple-1.1~/docbook-simple-1.0/sdbcent.mod docbook-simple-1.1/docbook-simple-1.0/sdbcent.mod
02_fix_custom_fpi_in_comments.patch * docbook-simple-1.*/*-custom.dtd: If using a customized DTD version, a
custom FPI should be used to not conflict with the original DTD. So
this patch simply fixes the starting comment, so people (hopefully)
do not try to use the same FPI for the customized and original DTD.


diff -urNad docbook-simple-1.1~/docbook-simple-1.0/sdocbook-custom.dtd docbook-simple-1.1/docbook-simple-1.0/sdocbook-custom.dtd
00-debian-local-changes.patch no

All known versions for source package 'docbook-simple'
