Debian Patches

Status for dqlite/1.16.7-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-fix-flaky-time-dependent-tests.patch fix-flaky-time-depdenent-tests
Set test timeouts to a higher value, so time-dependent tests have a higher
chance to succeed on slower hardware (e.g. ppc64el builders).
Free Ekanayaka <> no 2023-10-31
0002-skip-flaky-tests-on-ppc64el.patch skip-flaky-tests-on-ppc64el
These tests can be flaky when run on slow hardware such es Debian ppc64el
Free Ekanayaka <> no 2023-11-03
0003-fix-link-atomic.patch armel and powerpc builds fail without an explicit -latomicdiff --git a/ b/
index fb601c7..7f3f148 100644
Mathias Gibbens <> not-needed

All known versions for source package 'dqlite'
