Debian Patches

Status for droopy/0.20160830-5.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Switch-to-Python-3.patch [PATCH] Switch to Python 3 in the shebang
Use Python 3 in the shebang, since the python binary points to Python 2 on
Debian based systems.
Benjamin Drung <> no 2019-01-24
Drop-macpath.patch [PATCH] Drop macpath
Python 3.8 removed the deprecated macpath module. So just remove this
module and just use posixpath and ntpath to extract the file base name.
Benjamin Drung <> yes debian upstream 2020-07-26
Fix-crash-when-authentication-credentials-are-given.patch Fix crash when authentication credentials are given Benjamin Drung <> yes upstream 2021-01-08
Support-Python-3.9.patch [PATCH] Support Python 3.9
Drop Python 2 support and add support for Python 3.9.
Benjamin Drung <> yes upstream 2021-04-03

All known versions for source package 'droopy'
