Debian Patches

Status for ecryptfs-utils/111-8

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
set-up-encrypted-swap-on-nvme-and-mmc.patch ecryptfs-setup-swap: Handle nvme and mmc swap partitions Prevent unencrypted swap partitions from being automatically enabled by
systemd. This bug affected GPT partitioned NVMe/MMC drives and resulted in the
swap partition being used without encryption. It also resulted in a usability
issue in that users were erroneously prompted to enter a pass-phrase to unlock
their swap partition at boot. (LP: #1597154)

Tyler Hicks <> yes upstream backport,
use-pkg-config_gpgme.diff no
swapfile-support.patch Fix to make the script work with swapfiles and to use the right script to start encrypted swap Alberto Pianon <> no 2017-09-25
fix-type.patch Fix pointer type tmp_pcrs is being allocated a memory with sizeof(int) and value obtained
from atoi() is stored in it. Since the value stored and memory allocated
are both 'int', the pointer should be 'int *'.
Sudip Mukherjee <> no debian 2025-02-27

All known versions for source package 'ecryptfs-utils'
