Debian Patches

Status for elasticsearch-curator/5.8.1-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update Properly read unicode data from for Python 3 contains non-ASCII characters and Python 3 errors out since it was
not instructed to read unicode data from the file. Fix this by opening the
file with a utf-8 encoding for Python 3.
Apollon Oikonomopoulos <> no 2015-02-02
0002-sphinx-use-local-inventory-references-for-intersphin.patch sphinx: use local inventory references for intersphinx
Note that we will not be making this conditional: we want the build to
fail if intersphinx was to fetch inventory data from the internet.
Apollon Oikonomopoulos <> no 2016-07-22
0003-Remove-versions-dependencies-from-setup.patch Remove versions dependencies from setup.* Emmanuel Arias <> no 2019-12-17
0004-Remove-requests_aws4auth-from-requirements.patch Remove requests_aws4auth from requirements Emmanuel Arias <> no 2019-12-17
0005-Skip-tests-that-fails-on-Debian.patch Skip tests that fails on Debian. Emmanuel Arias <> no 2019-12-19
0006-Bump-version-yaml-5.4.1.patch Make compatible with PyYAML 5.4.1+ Tests fail because yaml.load() need the parameter Loader. This patch add
yaml.FullLoader as Loader where the yaml.load() is called in tests.
Aaron Mildenstein <> no upstream,
python3.12 no

All known versions for source package 'elasticsearch-curator'
