Debian Patches
Status for emacs-ivy/0.15.0-1
Patch | Description | Author | Forwarded | Bugs | Origin | Last update |
0001-Skip-ert-deftest-ivy-lazy-load-ffap-ffap-url-p.patch | Skip ert-deftest ivy--lazy-load-ffap--ffap-url-p This test fails on a local system, and will certainly fail on buildd. Basil-conto writes that parts of it "assume too much about the environment and have nothing to do with Ivy" and "checking whether Ivy causes another package to be loaded is not something suitable for Emacs regression tests or even that useful/practical" thus it seems reasonable to skip this test for now. If upstream resolves the issue then this patch should be dropped. |
Nicholas D Steeves <> | yes | upstream | upstream, | 2020-06-20 |
0002-Skip-ivy-read-directory-name-and-rely-on-manual-test.patch | Skip ivy-read-directory-name and rely on manual testing | Nicholas D Steeves <> | no | 2021-03-01 |
All known versions for source package 'emacs-ivy'
- 0.15.0-1 (trixie, sid)
- 0.13.4+78.gb8be491-1 (bookworm)
- 0.13.0-1 (bullseye)