Debian Patches

Status for entr/5.3-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
libbsd-overlay.patch Override upstream copy and use libbsd Avoid using local copy of strlcpy, use the libbsd library in overlay mode
instead on our supported targets.
Yuri D'Elia <> not-needed
kfreebsd-support.patch Support the hybrid GNU/kFreeBSD Add support for the hybrid combination of kFreeBSD with the GNU libc,
which supports kqueue natively but still requires the libbsd overlay.
Yuri D'Elia <> not-needed
debug-system-test.patch Output stdout and stderr if system test fails To make it easy to debug a failing run on any CI system
output the standard output and error contents of the previous command.
Also set default git name/email to avoid unnecassary git warnings in the
CI logs.
Otto Kekäläinen <> invalid
simplified-build-test.patch Simplify build test The unit tests wre removed in Entr 5.3 and replaced with system tests that
run git, tmux, vim etc. Such test are overkill to just validate that the
built binary works. Instead of, simply run the entr binary
once to validate it works on all architectures it was built on.
The more complex is a good candidate to be used in more
extensive autopktests.
Otto Kekäläinen <> not-needed
system-test-fixes.patch Skip tests that fail in Salsa-CI (and likely elsewhere) Seems the tests have been developer to be run on a developer desktop and
many fail on non-interactive CI runs. Instead of using '-n' on every command
or wrapping all tests in 'skip' clauses, just bail out after a couple of
tests for now, and use the full later when upstream also uses
it in similar CI.
Otto Kekäläinen <> not-needed

All known versions for source package 'entr'
