Debian Patches

Status for exactimage/1.2.1-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Respect-CFLAGS-from-the-environment.patch Respect CFLAGS from the environment. Jakub Wilk <> not-needed 2010-03-27
Use-PIC-version-of-static-AGG-library.patch Use PIC version of static AGG library. Jakub Wilk <> not-needed 2010-03-27
Disable-dead-code-that-is-causing-compilation-errors.patch Disable dead code that is causing compilation errors. Jakub Wilk <> no debian 2011-02-02
Remove-dead-timer-code-which-causes-FTBFS.patch Remove dead timer code which causes FTBFS
Disable dead code in utility/, as it is causing build failures on some
Jakub Wilk <> invalid 2010-03-27
Disable-unused-Evas-Helper-function-to-avoid-FTBFS.patch Disable unused Evas Helper function to avoid FTBFS
Evas_Object and Evas are defined as the same type. Thus it is not possible to
overload a function with the only difference (beside the return type) that one
has a parameter from type Evas_Object and the other one from type Evas.

These function are never used and thus can be removed without problems.
Sven Eckelmann <> no 2014-03-16
Install-module-to-perl-vendor-path.patch Install module to perl vendor path Sven Eckelmann <> not-needed debian 2014-06-22
Fix-buffer-overflow-when-decoding-code128-code_set_c.patch Fix buffer overflow when decoding code128 code_set_c
A dual character string needs at least 3 bytes to be saved by sprintf. Saving
it in a 2 byte buffer will cause the 0-delimiter to overwrite other data on the

It is better to use snprintf to make sure that no data is written outside the
allocated buffer and provide 3 byte for the buffer.
Sven Eckelmann <> no 2015-02-25
Drop-date-to-make-build-reproducible.patch Drop date to make build reproducible Sven Eckelmann <> no 2015-05-05
giflib5.patch Build using giflib5 Matthias Klose <> no 2015-10-28
Fix-typo-s-optinally-optionally.patch Fix typo s/optinally/optionally/ Sven Eckelmann <> no 2016-01-25
Fix-CVE-2015-8366-Index-overflow-in-smal_decode_segment.patch Fix CVE-2015-8366: Index overflow in smal_decode_segment Sven Eckelmann <> no 2016-02-23
Fix-typo-s-sufficently-sufficiently.patch Fix typo s/sufficently/sufficiently/ Sven Eckelmann <> no 2016-04-24
Remove-obsolete-path-reorientation-code-fixes-nonzero-fil.patch Remove obsolete path reorientation code (fixes nonzero fill) John Horigan <> no debian backport, 2017-06-22
Provide-gif-quantization-for-giflib-5.2.patch Provide gif quantization for giflib >= 5.2 Sven Eckelmann <> invalid debian 2019-08-31
Fix-Python3-syntax-compatibility-of-python-example.patch Fix Python3 syntax compatibility of python example Sven Eckelmann <> invalid debian 2019-08-31
Fix-encodeImage-decodeImage-bytestring-support-in-Python3.patch Fix encodeImage/decodeImage bytestring support in Python3 Sven Eckelmann <> invalid debian 2019-08-31
Switch-from-python-to-python3-binaries.patch Switch from python to python3 binaries Sven Eckelmann <> invalid debian 2019-12-26
Enforce-simple-verbose-build-for-blhc.patch Enforce simple verbose build for blhc
The Debian build log analyzer gets confused by the extra output belonging to
the quiet build. Removing them and enforcing verbose builds removes these
false positives and increases the effectiveness of blhc
Sven Eckelmann <> not-needed 2013-05-09
Don-t-compile-dynamic-shared-objects-as-PIE.patch Don't compile dynamic shared objects as PIE Sven Eckelmann <> no 2016-01-25

All known versions for source package 'exactimage'
