Debian Patches

Status for fastcdr/2.2.6+really2.2.5-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Add-GCC-support-for-compiling-with-hidden-visibility.patch Add GCC support for compiling with hidden visibility

GCC hidden visibility closely mimics the Windows DLL import/export
feature, which cleans up the symbol export table and leads to faster
startup times as well as a more stable ABI.
=?utf-8?q?Timo_R=C3=B6hling?= <> yes 2020-11-24
0002-Fix-visibility-of-exception-classes.patch Fix visibility of exception classes

C++ exceptions which are potentially thrown across DSO boundaries need
to have their type info exported.
=?utf-8?q?Timo_R=C3=B6hling?= <> yes 2020-11-24
0003-Do-not-download-anything-for-the-documentation-build.patch Do not download anything for the documentation build =?utf-8?q?Timo_R=C3=B6hling?= <> not-needed 2020-11-24

All known versions for source package 'fastcdr'
