Debian Patches

Status for fdroidserver/2.4~a2-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
debian-java-detection.patch Description:
Normally fdroid auto-detects Java's keytool and jarsigner, but if the
user changes the default JDK to something other than Java 1.7, then
fdroid will break. So this package first uses the path to the
default Debian version of the tools.
Hans-Christoph Steiner <> not-needed 2016-02-18
ignore-irrelevant-test.patch patch to ignore test that is not relevant on plain Debian installs This test breaks in the autopkgtest harness, and is not relevant since
this package depends on an apksigner package that is good enough. The test
is meant to check the version selection logic when there are multiple
versions of apksigner installed as well as the system package version.
Hans-Christoph Steiner <> not-needed
skip-flaky-test.patch skip flaky tests that work well elsewhere Network tests are often flaky, and there are some difficult
configuration issues around localhost and combinations of IPv4 and
IPv6. Also, checkupdates is run from git master, and rarely run from
the packaged version.
Hans-Christoph Steiner <> not-needed [PATCH 1/1] fix _dexdump_found() in !1621
find_sdk_tools_cmd() will throw an exception if it can't find the tool, not
return None.
Hans-Christoph Steiner <> yes 2025-03-21

All known versions for source package 'fdroidserver'
