Debian Patches

Status for firefox-esr-mobile-config/4.3.2-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-mobile-config-autoconfig-add-Mobian-preferences.patch [PATCH] mobile-config-autoconfig: add Mobian preferences Arnaud Ferraris <> not-needed 2020-09-28
0002-policies.json-don-t-limit-search-engines-options.patch [PATCH] policies.json: don't limit search engines options
Upstream is a bit extreme in removing all search engines but one. Leave
that choice to the user. Also, don't install ublock through global
policy as Mobian installs it by default.
Arnaud Ferraris <> no 2022-02-17

All known versions for source package 'firefox-esr-mobile-config'
