Debian Patches

Status for flactag/2.0.4-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
use_discid_read_sparse.patch use discid_read_sparse if available In version 0.5.0 of libdiscid discid_read_sparce got added. This
function allows one to specify what should be read from the disc. Using this
function one can avoid reading of the MCN of the disc and ISRCs from the
tracks. Only the disc ID is used and nothing else, so it is not
necessary to read the other information.
Sebastian Ramacher <> yes debian 2020-05-04
hardcoded_cdrom.patch Fix hardcoded cdrom device. not-needed debian 2020-05-04
checkflac_usage.patch make script more resiliant checkflac: make script more resilient for filenames containing spaces or colon not-needed debian 2020-05-04
libmusicbrainz5cc.patch Look for libmusicbrainz5cc instead of libmusicbrainz5. Sebastian Ramacher <> no 2015-07-09

All known versions for source package 'flactag'
