Debian Patches

Status for flask-login/0.6.2-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-disable-github-fork-ribbon.patch disable github fork ribbon
Reconfigures documentation to exclude the GitHub fork ribbon image
hosted on the web, which triggers a privacy-breach-generic lintian
Carl Suster <> not-needed 2017-01-08
0002-docs-Use-installed-local-inventory-information.patch docs: Use installed local inventory information
Use the information of objects.inv from python$version-doc package and
The buildprocess isn't allowed to catch up stuff from "outside".
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2022-10-10
0003-unittest-Skip-test-which-requires-a-packaged-aioflas.patch unittest: Skip test which requires a packaged aioflask
The test test_login_required_decorator_with_async requires the library
aioflask which isn't packaged yet.
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2022-10-10

All known versions for source package 'flask-login'
