Debian Patches

Status for fontforge/1:20230101~dfsg-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0002-remove-custom-library-search-path.patch Remove custom library search path (RPATH/RUNPATH) This reverts upstream's preference of setting RPATH/RUNPATH for
installed binaries. Fixes Lintian custom-library-search-path error.
Anthony Fok <> not-needed vendor 2020-11-18
0003-use-local-libjs-mathjax.patch Use packaged copy of MathJax from libjs-mathjax FontForge documentation uses sphinx.ext.mathjax which insert script links
to MathJax served on remote CDNs.
This patch, together with debian/fontforge-doc.links, replaces remote
scripts with MathJax from the libjs-mathjax package.
See for discussion.
Fixes Lintian privacy-breach-generic warnings.
Anthony Fok <> not-needed vendor 2020-11-24
2003_avoid_privacy_breach.patch Avoid links in html documents potentially breaching privacy
Replace potential tracking image URLs with inline single-pixel
transparent image from

Strip hardcoded host from demo form.
Vasudev Kamath <> not-needed 2017-09-23
2004-fix-privacy-breach-logo.patch Remove link to remote SourceForge logo from Japanese documentation Also image link to upstream author George Williams’s now defunct old website,
and image link to thunbmail of « Fontes & codages » on Amazon.
Fixes Lintian privacy-breach-logo error.
Anthony Fok <> not-needed vendor 2020-11-23
0001-fix-splinefont-shell-command-injection-5367.patch fix splinefont shell command injection (#5367) Peter Kydas <> no 2024-02-06
0006-Update-po-files-from-Croudin-sources-after-fixing-pr.patch Update po files from Croudin sources after fixing problems skef <> no debian 2023-12-31

All known versions for source package 'fontforge'
