Debian Patches

Status for fonts-sahel/3.4.0-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
strip-glyphs Strip glyphs which needs downloading from the Internet Some glyphs should come from opensans font which its source should be downloaded from
the Internet and put beside the current code. Those are removed from build qeue since
Debian builds should not download from the Internet in the process.
Danial Behzadi <> not-needed 2023-09-24
strip-woff Remove the woff2 making line from makevariable script By default, the script to make variable font tries to make woff2 fonts
for web from the ttf file of variable font. This can be safely removed
since there would be no woff2 font in the Debian package.
Danial Behzadi <> not-needed 2023-11-05

All known versions for source package 'fonts-sahel'
