Debian Patches

Status for foo-yc20/1.3.0-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-remove-encoding-key-from-desktop-file.patch [PATCH] remove encoding key from desktop file
Fix Lintian desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key error (I).
Alessandro Ghedini <> no 2010-12-09
0002-makefile.patch Pass LDFLAGS to the linker. Remove -m{tune,arch}=native flag (bug#649461). Alessio Treglia <> no
0003-include-faust-dir.patch Add faust include dir to CFLAGS to fix FTBS. Alessandro Ghedini <> yes debian vendor 2011-11-01
0004-fix-pitch-midi-cc.patch Fix "Pitch" MIDI control number as per README
diff -Nurbp a/src/foo-yc20.cpp b/src/foo-yc20.cpp
Alex Volkov <> no debian vendor 2014-02-28

All known versions for source package 'foo-yc20'
