Debian Patches

Status for freedroidrpg/1.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_no_headless_check.diff Don't run the checks in headless mode (pbuilder, buildbot...) Julien Puydt not-needed
07_framerate.diff Don't show framerate by default Bart Martens no
17_debianize.diff Debianize the package Bart Martens not-needed
27_debug.diff Reduces output on stdout/stderr Bart Mertens no
reproducible.patch Drop build flags from the comment in the head of the save file the save file is a lua script, and has some information about the game
in a comment in the head. including build flags there causes the build to
become unreproducible (as they may contain differing paths).
as they provide not really useful information and are not used elsewhere,
they can be safely dropped.
Reiner Herrmann <> no

All known versions for source package 'freedroidrpg'
