Debian Patches

Status for freeplane/1.7.10-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
50_disable_security_manager_java_18.patch Disable security manager on Java 18 and newer
Freeplan fails to start with security manager enabled on Java 18 and

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The
Security Manager is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
at java.base/java.lang.System.setSecurityManager(
at org.freeplane.launcher.Launcher.main(

Disable it to enable Freeplace to proceed.
Andrej Shadura <> not-needed debian 2025-03-16
10_build_usr_share_java.patch change dependencies to /usr/share/java, where necessary, do not copy all dependencies to build/libs (eclipse hack);
dop not copy debian jars to /usr/share/freeplane/**;
copy only plugin-${project.version}.jar for plugins;
externalize debian jars with a relative path in OSGi MANIFEST.MFs
see README.source for an explanation of the (changes to the) build system
Felix Natter <> not-needed 2016-02-04
20_freeplane_sh.patch JAVACMD->JAVA_CMD, use instead of findjava if available, set org.freeplane.basedirectory to /usr/share/freeplane
(not the path to the knopflerfish jar)
Felix Natter <> no 2016-05-05
30_disable_update_check.patch Disable update check (automatically and in menu) Felix Natter <> not-needed 2018-09-15
40_allow_usj_codebase.patch allow freeplane to access code from /usr/share/knopflerfish/*, /usr/share/java/* and /usr/share/maven-repo/** Felix Natter <> not-needed 2016-05-05

All known versions for source package 'freeplane'
