Debian Patches

Status for freetype/2.13.3+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
enable-gxvalid-otvalid.patch Enable the gxvalid and otvalid table validation modules The 'ftvalid' demo in the freetype2-demos package is only useful if certain
extra extensions are enabled in freetype. These extensions are not enabled
upstream by default, but there's no reason for us not to enable them.
Paul Wise <> not-needed debian 2021-10-07
ftoption.patch Debian-specific FreeType configuration options * Enable subpixel rendering to provide LCD colour filtering.
* Enable long family names for PCF fonts.
Hugh McMaster <> not-needed 2023-07-09
no-web-fonts.patch Comment out references to to prevent lintian from warning about potential privacy-breach-generic issues. Hugh McMaster not-needed debian 2018-07-02
hide-donations-information.patch Use a button for donations instead of an image of the documentation. Paul Wise not-needed debian 2024-09-05

All known versions for source package 'freetype'
