Debian Patches

Status for gdk-pixbuf/2.42.12+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
Skip-test-for-GNOME-753605.patch Skip test for GNOME#753605
It relies on a non-free JPEG that happens to exhibit the bug, which is
excluded from the Debian source package.
Simon McVittie <> not-needed 2018-07-26
tests-Mark-pixbuf-randomly-modified-as-flaky.patch tests: Mark pixbuf-randomly-modified as flaky
This is basically a crude fuzzer. It isn't really suitable for
build-time acceptance testing, since it frequently produces images for
which gdk-pixbuf will try to allocate more memory than is available,
but if it does, it isn't straightforward to capture the failing image
from an autobuilder that only records build logs.
Simon McVittie <> yes debian upstream 2020-11-16
debian_queryloader_dir.patch use the right gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders directory
Since the .install moves the binary to another location the .pc file
needs to be updated
Sebastien Bacher <> not-needed 2022-07-27
tests-Tolerate-either-CORRUPT_IMAGE-or-INSUFFICIENT_MEMOR.patch tests: Tolerate either CORRUPT_IMAGE or INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY for issue 205

Workaround for
Simon McVittie <> not-needed 2022-08-16

All known versions for source package 'gdk-pixbuf'
