Debian Patches

Status for gensim/4.2.0+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
no-pin-cython.patch disable pinning the version of Cython This is needed because Debian has different Cython versions.
This is safe according to the comment in
Paul Wise <> not-needed
drop-visdom-test-dep.patch temporarily disable visdom test dependency visdom was relicensed from CC-BY-NC-4.0 to Apache 2.0
but has not had a new release that uses the new license
Paul Wise <> not-needed upstream
drop-nmslib-test-dep.patch temporarily disable nmslib test dependency nmslib is not packaged for Debian yet Paul Wise <> not-needed
0002-Skip-tests-that-load-tests-via-data_path.patch [PATCH 2/4] Skip tests that load tests via data_path
Debian has removed test_data.
Paul Wise <> no 2022-02-21
0003-Only-load-data-for-train_gensim-when-it-is-being-use.patch [PATCH 3/4] Only load data for train_gensim when it is being used by tests

Otherwise it will get loaded even when tests that use it aren't being run.
Paul Wise <> no 2022-02-26
0004-Make-lee_corpus_list-initialised-on-first-access.patch [PATCH 4/4] Make lee_corpus_list initialised on first access.
Uses PEP 562 module __getattr__ and requires Python 3.7 or later.
Paul Wise <> no 2022-02-26

All known versions for source package 'gensim'
