Debian Patches

Status for gnome-chemistry-utils/0.14.17-6.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
gnumeric-ftbfs.patch Add upstream fix for FTBFS with gnumeric >= 1.12.42. Adrian Bunk <> no 2018-10-28
openbabel-v3.patch Build against openbabel v3.0.0. Andrius Merkys <> no 2020-01-23
use-yelp.patch Use yelp instead of gnome-doc-utils
Replace all DOC_* macros and variables by YELP/HELP. Add the images to
HELP_MEDIA or they go missing. Rename the start files to index.docbook. Adjust
the path to look for the help files in the library.

for f in `grep -R "ghelp:" -l`;do sed -i 's/ghelp:/help:/g' ${f}; done
sed -i -e '/gnome-doc-utils/d' \
-e '/^dist-hook/c\@YELP_HELP_RULES@' \
-e 's/DOC_ENTITIES =/HELP_FILES = index.docbook/g' \
-e '/^HELP_FILES/a HELP_MEDIA = \\' \
for i in docs/help/*/*/*0.14.xml; do git mv $i `dirname $i`/index.docbook; done
Daniel Leidert <> not-needed debian 2020-10-27
remove-gnome-common.patch Remove gnome-common macros Daniel Leidert <> no debian 2020-10-28
gdk-use-x11-backend.patch Use x11 backend
gchem3d and gcrystal crash with wayland. Set the allowed backends and try
x11 first.
Daniel Leidert <> no debian 2020-10-29
gchempaint-merge-molecules-fix.patch Fix merging two molecules in gchempaint Jean Bréfort <> not-needed 2021-03-08

All known versions for source package 'gnome-chemistry-utils'
