Debian Patches

Status for gnuais/0.3.3-9.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_conf_location.patch In debian, the gnuais.conf-example is installed in /usr/share/doc/gnuais/examples/. Since gnuais will copy this file into
~/.config/gnuais/config the first time it runs, this patch is needed.
It basically just updates the references to that file in the source code.
Ruben Undheim <> invalid
02_fix_inline_functions.patch With the new C standard (c11), it fails if "extern inline" is defined in a header file included in multiple
source files. Add "__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))" to tell it to
use the old interpretation of inline.

Ruben Undheim <> no
0003-Fix-compile-error-for-GCC-10.patch Fix compile error for GCC 10 Ruben Undheim <> no 2020-07-26

All known versions for source package 'gnuais'
