Debian Patches

Status for gnupod-tools/0.99.8+dfsg-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01-new-perl.patch Adjust perl code to work with recent perl versions. Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta <> no 2017-07-30
02-case-insensitive-metadata.patch Handle FLAC metadata field names as case insensitive
gnupod_addsong fails to read metadata if the fieldnames are not in
BLOCKCAPS. This is contrary to the the Vorbis comment
specification[0] (which FLAC uses for its tags) which states "A
case-insensitive field name that may consist of ASCII 0x20 through
0x7D, 0x3D ('=') excluded. ASCII 0x41 through 0x5A inclusive (A-Z) is
to be considered equivalent to ASCII 0x61 through 0x7A inclusive
(a-z).". Some software (MusicBrainz Picard is the one I used) does
not write the fieldnames in BLOCKCAPS resulting in gnupod failing to
read the metadata correctly. Picard, for example, writes all
lowercase fieldnames.


I have patched the gnupod_convert_FLAC script with the patch below
which corrects this behaviour (although there maybe a better
Laurence Alexander Hurst <> no 2017-07-30
03-use-digest-sha.patch diff -ur gnupod-0.99.8.orig/configure gnupod-0.99.8/configure no
04-install-incdir.patch diff -ur gnupod-0.99.8.orig/tools/ gnupod-0.99.8/tools/ no

All known versions for source package 'gnupod-tools'
