Debian Patches

Status for golang-entgo-ent/0.11.3-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-disable-failing-tests.patch no
0002-disable-failing-internal-test.patch Disable failing snapshot/restore test
For some reason, the `go generate` call in that test fails. Let's accept this
failure for the time being, and ship entc/internal (required by entc/entc.go)
instead of excluding it entirely as that was done initially.
Cyril Brulebois <> no 2022-11-25
0003-avoid-overflows-on-32-bit-systems.patch Fix build failures on 32-bit archs
On 32-bit systems, 9876543210 doesn't fit in a uint (which is uint32),
so declare it as a uint64 on all systems:

# []
src/ cannot convert 9876543210 (untyped int constant) to type uint

Similarly, 1<<32 and 2<<32 need to be marked as uint64 explicitly:

# []
src/ cannot use 1 << 32 (untyped int constant 4294967296) as int value in argument to fmt.Sprintf (overflows)
src/ cannot use 2 << 32 (untyped int constant 8589934592) as int value in argument to fmt.Sprintf (overflows)
src/ cannot use 1 << 32 (untyped int constant 4294967296) as int value in argument to mock.ExpectExec(escape("INSERT INTO `sqlite_sequence` (`name`, `seq`) VALUES (?, ?)")).WithArgs (overflows)
src/ cannot use 1 << 32 (untyped int constant 4294967296) as int value in argument to mock.ExpectExec(escape("INSERT INTO `sqlite_sequence` (`name`, `seq`) VALUES (?, ?)")).WithArgs (overflows)
Cyril Brulebois <> no 2022-11-27
0004-disable-failing-tests-on-32-bit-systems.patch Avoid test failures on 32-bit archs
It seems Ent on 32-bit archs is some kind of unchartered territory (as
seen documented in upstream ticket #3125); since values like 1<<32 and
2<<32 are used in various places, a number of tests are failing once
the build is successful.

Let's give Ent a chance to reach testing by disabling those tests for
the time being.
Cyril Brulebois <> no 2022-11-27

All known versions for source package 'golang-entgo-ent'
