Debian Patches

Status for golang-github-gatherstars-com-jwz/1.3.0-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
tests-fix-corrupted-date-header-in-sample-messages.patch [PATCH] tests: fix corrupted date header in sample messages
Two sample email files in test/testdata contain corrupted date headers.
Since go 1.19, this invalid date format is somehow parsed successfully.
With go 1.18 and earlier, the parsing fails and Email.GetDate() returns
time.Unix(0, 0) (from jwz_test.go).

This causes the order of threads to be different in go 1.19 and causes
the unit tests to fail.

--- FAIL: ExampleSort (0.08s)
First node subject: 2002-02-01 05:44:14 +0000 UTC : Please help a newbie compile mplayer :-)
First node subject: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC : Re: My source: RE: A biblical digression :: node synthesized by

Fix the corrupted date headers and adjust unit test expected result
Robin Jarry <> no 2022-08-25

All known versions for source package 'golang-github-gatherstars-com-jwz'
