Debian Patches

Status for golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit/0.14.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Revert-alecthomas-kingpin-import-path.patch Revert alecthomas/kingpin import path

Newer versions of alecthomas/kingpin use a different import path. This patch
can be dropped once the golang-gopkg-alecthomas-kingpin.v2-dev package is
updated and provides the new import path.
Daniel Swarbrick <> not-needed 2023-06-12
0002-Work-around-slog-logger-breaking-change.patch Work around slog logger breaking change

The migration to the Go standard library log/slog breaks backwards
compatibility, resulting in the build failure of more than 20 other
packages which currently depend on exporter-toolkit.
Daniel Swarbrick <> no 2024-09-19

All known versions for source package 'golang-github-prometheus-exporter-toolkit'
