Debian Patches

Status for golang-github-r3labs-sse/2.10.0-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Update-backoff-package-to-v4-major-version.patch Update backoff package to v4 major version
This is the version that is currently in Debian.
Nicolas Peugnet <> no 2025-02-16
0002-Fix-flaky-test-TestSubscribeWithContextDone.patch Fix flaky test TestSubscribeWithContextDone
Instead of comparing the number of goroutines which is inherently
unreliable, we count the number of goroutines that exited using a defer
statement, and an atomic counter.

By the way, the timer are reduced to 100ms as it is more than enough time
to let the goroutines exit.
Nicolas Peugnet <> yes 2025-02-20

All known versions for source package 'golang-github-r3labs-sse'
