Debian Patches

Status for golang-toml/1.4.0-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Add-Position.Col-410.patch Add Position.Col (#410)
Previously it wasn't easy for users to get the Column information; this
has to be calculated from the Start field, but this isn't convenient.

Also the start column in "column x-y" was off by one, so fix that too as
a bonus.
Martin Tournoij <> no 2024-05-26
0002-Ensure-ParseError.Message-is-always-set-411.patch Ensure ParseError.Message is always set (#411)
ParseError.Error() did:

msg := pe.Message
if msg == "" {
msg = pe.err.Error()

That was fine, but not very useful for people wanting to access the
Message field themselves, especially since err isn't exported.

For example staticcheck does this to add in the filename, and the error
is lost, because Message is often blank:

% staticcheck
staticcheck.conf:5:0: (last key parsed: "dot_import_whitelist") (compile)

We now only use the err field to determine which error usage to display
in ErrorWithUsage()
Martin Tournoij <> no 2024-05-26

All known versions for source package 'golang-toml'
